Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Shakespeare job at AUC

Job posting possibly of interest: The American University in Cairo (actually now about 40km outside Cairo) is recruiting a scholar of Renaissance or Early Modern literature.
"Applicants are invited for a position in the Department of English and Comparative Literature. Rank: Open. Area of specialization: Shakespeare/Renaissance with an orientation in early modern studies, global studies and/or literary theory strongly preferred. The candidate must be prepared for extensive interaction with a diverse literature faculty. Responsibilities include the teaching of humanities courses in the University’s Core Curriculum, introduction to literature and survey of British literature. The teaching load is normally nine credits per semester, including courses in the MA Program."
Details at http://aucegypt.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp;jsessionid=46B72C6159DF6439160588CB9092CC3E?JOBID=35292

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